Welcome to NEWFuel
North East Scotland's dedicated wood fuel provider
NEWFuel supplies woodchips for biomass heating systems and provides a mobile wood chipping service for customers with their own woodlands. Based near Turriff, in the North East of Scotland, we are committed to providing high quality wood fuel and industry-leading customer service, serving the local area.
Committed to Quality
- Biomass boilers require good quality fuel to operate reliably, reduce down-time and minimise system maintenance. We produce fuel specifically intended for biomass boilers.
- Our wood fuel is produced to the specification for your boiler and is regularly tested for compliance with the recognised quality standards.
- LANTRA accredited personnel.
Committed to Service
- Reliable and efficient service to meet your wood fuel needs.
- One-off supplies or fuel supply contracts available.
- For all your fuel delivery and storage requirements, we can provide advice on:
- The location of your woodchip store, to ensure smooth delivery of your fuel.
- Timber storage, when to chip and quality control.